
Showing posts from April, 2016

Join the Food Revolution With Me

I hope you were able to watch and learn from The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest docu-series. Perhaps you even invested in the videos— I did —and plan on watching again to get the maximum benefit and so you can pass the videos on to friends and family. I hope you got that there is not just one way to heal from cancer without harm to your body, but multiple. You can put together a protocol that works for you—with or without the help of a practitioner. I told you I would be passing on valuable educational opportunities so you could be as knowledgeable as me about your health. If you look to the so-called healthcare system (really should be called disease management ) you may not succeed in getting healthy. You really are in control of your health. Talk About Food Getting to the heart of how we become healthy and heal from disease or avoid disease in the first place, we must look at food . Coming up this weekend is the start of the Food Revolution Summit . Are you worried about what’s

Wisdom Wednesday

Tip Drizzle tomatoes with a little olive oil. Besides being a tasty combo, you get great nutritional benefits. Tomatoes are naturally rich in lycopene, which is a carotenoid believed to protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer. Olive oil actually helps us absorb lycopene. So pour it on! ( Source: ) PS Don't forget there's still time to see Episode One of The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest .