
Showing posts from August, 2016

Wisdom Wednesday

I recently watched the Essential Oils Revolution Online Event. Wow! Lots to learn. I hope you all took advantage of this awesome educational forum on essential oils. I'm certainly behind on understanding what, when and how to use essential oils myself. Here is a gem from the summit—A liver cleanse formula to rub on your skin over the liver.  The application location is below the right breast at the lower right rib cage. The caster oil is a carrier oil used to deliver the oils to the area. You can also use coconut oil or vegetable glycerin as a replacement for the caster oil (which is sticky and can stain clothing). Use 1 teaspoon of carrier oil for the total 20 drops in this formula. That is a 20% dilution allowing the oils to be massaged into a larger area and absorb slowly. The dilution does not reduce the effectiveness of the oils—they simply enhance the oils and soften any reaction that a straight oil may have on the body. This formula is great for cancer conquerers, whether yo...

Look for the Butterfly ~ Non-GMO Verified

Last month President Obama signed weak and flawed legislation into federal law that addresses GMOs in foods . It is called the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) act by those of us who believe we have the right to know what's in our food. It is a win for big chemical and biotech corporations, but a blow to the American family and the hope for a food supply that is healthy and transparent. It is also a stain on our republic as it erases any laws that states enacted (like Vermont) that require food labels to identify GMO ingredients. Plus it seems to be a clear violation of the 14th Amendment, as it would allow corporations to use QR codes instead of clear packaging on labels. Basics of the GMO Labeling Bill (aka DARK Act) Let's break it down: The words "GMO" or "genetic engineering" will NOT be required to be anywhere on the package. 95% of the ingredients that are GMO will NOT be included in the "labeling." The "labeling" that will b...

Listen & Learn to Be Healthy

This past spring I listened to the 2016 Food Revolution Summit created by bestselling author John Robbins and his son Ocean Robbins. At the summit, John interviewed 24 of the world’s top food experts, including 16 medical doctors. More than 230,000 summit participants heard these enlightening interviews. For me they were very instructional and I learned new stuff. For others it was surely helpful for discovering a healthy lifestyle. For the next week (and maybe longer), the Food Revolution Network is replaying for FREE three of those interviews—In fact, the three most popular presentations from the summit . You’ll hear Joel Fuhrman, M.D. offer penetrating insights into exactly what foods to eat to achieve optimum nutritional excellence. Mark Hyman, M.D. will tell you about the science of nutrition and how to take advantage of the best elements of paleo and vegan diets. And Neal Barnard, M.D. will share breakthroughs in scientific understanding of how to not only prevent disease, bu...